Intrinsic Vertebral Markers for Spinal Level Localization in Anterior Cervical Spine Surgery: A Preliminary Report
Deepak Kumar Jha, Anil Thakur, Mukul Jain, Arvind Arya, Chandrabhushan Tripathi, Rima Kumari, Suman Kushwaha
Asian Spine J. 2016;10(6):1033-1041.   Published online 2016 Dec 8     DOI:
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Treatment of Cervical Spine Fractures and Subluxations without the Use of Intraoperative Fluoroscopy in Resource-Limited Settings
Victor-Claude Eyenga, Ignatius N. Esene, Ernestine A. Bikono, Ngah J. Eloundou
Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice.2020; 11: 160.     CrossRef