Asian Spine Journal (Asian Spine J), the official journal of the Asia Pacific Spine Society (APSS), Middle East Spine Society (MESS), Association of Spine Surgeons of India (ASSI), Taiwan Spine Society (TWSS), Chinese Spine Society of Medicine Education (CSSME), and Korean Society of Spine Surgery (KSSS), is an international peerreviewed journal which publishes articles related to basic and clinical researches of all spine fields bimonthly in end of February, April, June, August, October, and December. Asian Spine Journal was founded in 2007.
The journal aims to promote communications among spine surgeons especially in Asian countries regarding spine problems and to provide Asian spine surgeons more opportunities to publish their works in international journal. All manuscripts should be creative, informative and useful for the diagnosis and treatment of spine problems. Manuscripts regarding disease and treatment which shows more characteristic features in Asian people would be preferable. Every researcher who has interested in the aims and scope of Asian Spine Journal is encouraged to submit the papers from all over the world.